in the St. Joan of Arc Parish Center
We will attend 9:30am Mass.
WHY? Marriage Preparation Day is required because the importance of this sacrament deserves the time that will be spent throughout the day in prayer, reflection, sharing, and drawing from the wisdom of the presenters.
WHAT IS IT? The St. Joan of Arc Marriage Preparation Day is a day of reflection designed to:
- Deepen your knowledge of the Sacrament of Matrimony
- Enhance communication skills
- Deepen the couple’s understanding of each other
- Discuss various areas pertinent to married life in the Catholic faith
- Inform couples on Natural Family Planning
HOW SOON? The couple is encouraged to participate in the workshop six months before their marriage. In this way, your months of engagement may be well used in light of the knowledge and skills you learn during the workshop. With the many other details of the wedding, which will demand your time later, our hope is to offer you the workshop at a time free of the other demands.
COST: $50.00 per couple (Please make checks payable to St. Joan of Arc)