Pablo Picasso, the renowned artist from Spain
by Rev. Gabriel Baltes, O.S.B. | 04/21/2024 | A Message from Our PastorDear Parishioners,
Pablo Picasso, the renowned artist from Spain, maintained that every act of creation begins with an act of destruction. He was speaking about the context of artistic creativity in which he believed that for one to be truly creative, something from the past must be destroyed so that something new could be born. This principle not only describes the dynamics of making art, but is also the fundamental teaching of the Christian faith, for we believe that from the death of Jesus, the new life of resurrection dawned.
This conviction is ritually expressed at the Easter Vigil when, at the very beginning of this most solemn annual liturgy, a large fire is lit to represent the Risen Christ whose light shatters the darkness. From the dead elements that are consumed by fire, something living and new comes forth. From this Easter fire, the large Paschal Candle is then lighted so that its flame can then be dispersed to each member of the assembly who, with candle in handle, acclaims Jesus Christ as the Light of the world.
A beautiful hymn text by James Quinn, S.J., frequently sung at the church’s evening prayer, expresses this belief in the following poetic imagery.
Now fades all earthly splendor, The shades of night descend; The dying of the daylight Foretells creation’s end. Though noon gives place to sunset, Yet dark gives place to light: The promise of tomorrow With dawn’s new hope is bright.
The silver notes of morning Will greet the rising sun, As once the Easter glory Shone round the Risen One. So will the night of dying Give peace to heaven’s day, And hope of heaven’s vision Will light our pilgrim way.
So will the new creation Rise from the old reborn To splendor in Christ’s glory And everlasting morn. All darkness will be ended As faith gives place to sight Of Father, Son and Spirit, One God, in heaven’s light.
It is fitting to reflect on these spiritual images as we prepare to express them concretely in the repair and enhancement of our church interior. This parish project, for which we have been preparing for nearly two years, will crown our centennial celebration here at St. Joan of Arc. The designs as well as the vendors and laborers who will make this happen have been secured. Recall the 3 major areas of our church interior that will be the focus of this effort;
- The replacement of the carpeted areas with terrazzo flooring
- The repair and re-staining of the pews (including the kneelers)
- The painting of the walls and ceiling.
Our hope is to complete the various phases of this project during the summer months by the following dates:
- The last Sunday mass (Corpus Christi) Jun 2
- The last weekday Mass Jun 4
- Removal of all furniture and loose items in the church Jun 5-7
- Pew removal Jun 16-24
- Flooring removal Jun 12-18
- Drywall installed on sanctuary wall Jun 17 - Jul 3
- Painting Jun 19 - Jul 12
- Terrazzo preparation Jun 24 - Jul 3
- Terrazzo Installation Jul 8 - Aug 16
- Misc. Carpentry – doors/rails Aug 19-23
- LVT in sacristy Aug 19-23
- Install “Walk-Off” Carpet in narthex Aug 19-23
- Reinstall pews Aug 19-30
On Saturday, December 14, at the 4:00pm liturgy, Bishop Hicks will re-bless our newly enhanced worship space and join us for a formal reception in the school gym.
During the summer months, while work is being done in the church, the liturgies for both weekdays and weekends will be celebrated in the gym. St. Procopius Abbey has graciously agreed to allow our funerals to be celebrated in the monastery church.
I ask that all of you pray for the success of this project so that we may accomplish what we have planned in a timely and beautiful manner. My deepest gratitude goes out to all those who are making this project possible by means of their: prayers, commitment of time and talent, and generous financial support. Most of all, we thank Almighty God whose wisdom and providence guide our efforts as we continue to cherish our tradition and create a vision that will hopefully culminate in that Kingdom which will have no end.